John Adams Soggy Doggy

  • $25.39

John Adams Soggy Doggy Game for Kids. The dog brushing, bathing, dog shaking game! For 2-4 players, ages 4+. Race around the board washing and grooming Soggy Doggy. Watch out, if he shakes you will get wet and be back to the start! Be the first to make it round to the doggy basket to win.

  • John Adams Soggy Doggy Game for Kids.
  • The dog brushing, bathing, dog shaking game! For 2-4 players, ages 4+.
  • Race around the board washing and grooming Soggy Doggy.
  • Watch out, if he shakes you will get wet and be back to the start!
  • Be the first to make it round to the doggy basket to win.